nick taylorweb developer

Thoughts, Ideas and Ramblings

Thoughts of both tech and non-tech may be gathered here over the coming years. This is sparse to say the least. One day, paging will appear, that'll be an exciting day won't it?

For now, enjoy, or don't, agree, or disagree, these are my thoughts, they are my own. At some point in the future, I'll likely look back and think "What the hell was I thinking!?", but it's better to have a thought than no thought at all. Enjoy!


Using CSS Variables

After years of using preprocessors such as SASS and LESS for variable support, CSS variables (Custom Properties) are finally supported sufficiently enough such that I feel comfortable in using them for new projects. According to, support of CSS variables currently stands at 95.13%. I understand ~4.9% of people will not be able to get a good experience using the site based on this statistic, however it is important to look at the current statistics of your/your client's site and see what technologies are actually being used.

Let's do this

Using as a Headless CMS

After years of working with various CMSs and frameworks, such as Umbraco, Wordpress and Django, where the templating layer is packaged as part of it, I decided to go with a headless CMS for the creation of my new personal website. I wanted to do this for a couple of reasons: I've been enjoying my venture into using the JAMStack over the past year and I didn't want to have to manually create the APIs for providing the content to the front end application.

Let's do this